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9 Common Plumbing Problems and How an Emergency Plumber Can Help | Cypress, TX

  • By Admin
  • 09 Apr, 2020

Photo By New Africa at Shutterstock

Most homeowners in Cypress, TX, have experienced either a minor or severe problem with their water and sewer lines. When you have leaking faucets in your house or any other plumbing-related problem, immediately contact an emergency plumber for repairs to avoid serious damages and costly repairs.

There are some preventative measures for the most common plumbing problems, although it's virtually impossible to prevent the occurrence of all plumbing emergencies successfully.

Here are some typical plumbing problems and how an emergency plumber can help in fixing them.

Slow Draining Sink

This is a plumbing emergency that occurs when you have a blockage in the drains, restricting smooth water flow. Knotted hairs and soaps are the common reasons for slow draining bathroom sinks, while food remains, and congealed fat are the reasons for blockages in kitchen sinks.

Slow draining sinks are repaired by removing the obstacles causing blockage using a plumber’s snake or a plunger. Clearing the drain can also be achieved by using chemical clog removers or pouring vinegar and baking soda down the drain. It's essential to know that repeated use of chemicals to clear drains can erode the inner surface of your drainage pipes.

Running Toilets

Running toilet is a plumbing emergency that occurs when water stops flowing from your toilet's tank to the bowl. Running toilets causes water wastage because almost two hundred gallons of water is lost per day.

Common causes of running toilets include improperly sized flapper chains, damaged refill tubes, corroded toilet handles, and worn out flush valves or flapper seals. With the right knowledge and toilet repair kit, you can replace the offending parts on your own. However, when the problem persists, even after making replacements, you must contact an emergency plumber to help to fix the problem.

Blocked Pipes and Drains

This is a plumbing problem that often occurs in most homes. When you notice a backflow of wastewater in your sink, toilet, or bathroom, it means there is an obstacle in your drains. If this problem is not addressed quickly, it can expose you and your family members to health hazards or result in severe plumbing emergencies.

Blocked drains are caused by the accumulation of solid materials that create blockages in pipes. Good examples of these objects include soaps, hair, and other foreign materials. Having a blockage in the sewer line is a severe problem that should be attended to as soon as possible. When you have such an emergency, you must contact your emergency plumber to help fix the problem.

Burst Pipes

This predicament ranks high among the most damaging plumbing problems. With a burst pipe, your water utility bill is likely to skyrocket because of too much water loss. If your pipes are old and corroded, you must make replacements in due time to avoid burst pipes and the potential subsequent damages.

When your pipes burst, you should turn off your main valve and then contact an emergency plumber to fix the burst. Pipe bursts repair can be done by making joint connections to the damaged part of the pipe, or even replacing your entire waterline with new pipes.

Low Water Pressure

This is a plumbing emergency that often occurs in old homes in Cypress, TX. Low water pressure is indicated by water trickling instead of gushing out of your taps. The problem is caused by the accumulation of mineral sediments that are deposited on your faucet aerators or leaking pipes.

Faucets aerators that are partially blocked should be soaked in vinegar while those that are entirely blocked should be cleaned using a toothbrush dipped in vinegar to scrub, loosen, and remove the mineral deposits.

Frozen Pipes

This plumbing emergency often occurs in unoccupied houses, but even occupied ones are also at risk. When your pipes are frozen, you can pour hot water on them to raise the temperature of the icy water inside. This must be done slowly to avoid rapid melting that can lead to the pipes breaking.

You should leave water trickling from your faucets during icy seasons to prevent it from freezing inside the pipes. This is simply because flowing water does not freeze. Another option is to hire a plumber to cover your pipes with insulating material during cold seasons.

Water Heater Problems

Hot water remains one of the necessities in most homes. No hot water in your home indicates that there is a problem with your water heater. Old water heaters often wear out because of age, and the best solution to this is contacting a professional emergency plumber to install a new one.

Other issues that can cause your water heater to fail include electrical problems that are evidenced by blown fuses. A leaking water heater will not serve you right, and you must contact your emergency plumber for repair service.

Gas Leaks

Natural gas is odorless and highly flammable. When you have a gas leak in your house, you and your family members can be in great danger. You will know that there is a gas leak when there is a strong smell of rotten eggs in your house.

After detecting a gas leak, you should immediately evacuate the building to ensure that your family's safety. If the shut-off valve is at an easily accessible spot, make sure you shut it off before contacting your emergency plumber.

A Worn-Out Hose Bibb

The hose Bibb only serves for some period and cannot last through several seasons, especially in places that experience winter. The changes in temperature cause the hose bibb to crack and lose its sturdiness, making it highly prone to leakage. To avoid replacing your hose bibb more often, consider purchasing a heavy-duty, frost- brand instead of an ordinary hose bibb.

Minor plumbing problems can extend and become severe with time if left unattended. They must be repaired as soon as they are detected. Luckily, homeowners in Cypress, TX, experiencing any of the above plumbing emergencies can contact the professional emergency plumbers at bluefrog Plumbing + Drain of Northwest Houston.

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