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Common Plumbing Myths People Believe | Insight from Your Trusted Spring, TX Plumbing Repair Service Provider

  • By Admin
  • 21 May, 2020

Photo By enterlinedesign at Shutterstock

We've all fallen victim to the myths and stories we shouldn't believe. People buy into tales such as that the moon can affect how we behave, that we only use 10% of our brains, and that our nails and hair continue to grow after death. Well, the plumbing industry also has its own collection of myths that you probably believe but shouldn't! Keep reading for the complete, and sometimes surprising, list.

Myth One: Store-Bought Drain Cleaners Can Fix a Clogged Drain

More likely than not, you have bought drain cleaner at the store in the hope that it would fix a slow-draining sink. Why'd you do it? You probably didn't want to pay for or bother booking plumbing repair. But you probably noticed that in a few days or a week, the drain started to display the same issues as before.

Drain cleaners can actually do more harm than good. That drain cleaner is made up of corrosive substances that will eat through a clog but also eat through your pipes. Only professional plumbers can fix a clogged drain. A plumber will use a hydro-jet or snake to clean out your drain thoroughly without using harmful chemicals that destroy your pipes.

Myth Two: Ice Cubes Will Sharpen Your Garbage Disposal

We aren't sure where this myth got started, but it's a common belief in many households. However, this thought process defies logic. Garbage disposals don't have blades that need sharpening. Instead, they have teeth-like fixtures called impellers that grind solids into liquids as the unit turns. Ice chips will simply melt and go down the drain, with no impact on your garbage disposal or it's impellers.

If your garbage disposal isn't working at an optimal level, it's time to call for plumbing repair. A professional can quickly fix your garbage disposal, so it's performing like it used to.

Myth Three: Hot Water Melts the Grease in Pipes

You know that you're not supposed to throw grease and fat down the sink. Grease will solidify once it's cold and can combine with particles of food and dirt to clog up your drain. Unfortunately, some people think if they run boiling hot water after dumping grease, it will "melt and wash away the grease."

Yes, hot water melts grease as it goes down the drain. However, when the hot fat hits the pipes, it will cool, solidify, and build-up. A grease clog is especially challenging to fix, as the grease likely made it far down your pipe before solidifying. That means that a regular household snake won't fix the clog. Putting fat down the sink will ultimately result in your requiring plumbing repair, so avoid it at all costs.

Myth Four: Flushable Wipes

It's a genius marketing tactic, but it also happens to be a lie. You may have seen "flushable wipes" on the market for baby wipes and sanitizing wipes. However, do not flush these down the toilet. These wipes simply cannot break down the way toilet paper does and will eventually clog up your pipes. Avoid future expensive plumbing repairs and stick to throwing those wipes in the garbage.

Myth Five: A Little Leak Isn't Worth Plumbing Repair

Maybe the drip, drip, drip from the kitchen sink doesn't bug you that much. But what should bug you is the water bill you're racking up! If a faucet drips just two times per minute, it adds up to one gallon of water per week! Not only does this hurt the wallet, but it's also is terrible for the environment. And, that little leak can turn into a more significant plumbing problem down the road. Avoid all the headache and schedule a plumbing repair the minute you hear the dripping.

Myth Six: In-Tank Toilet Cleaners Aren't Harmful

It's a product that has become more and more popular in recent years. Install a semi-permanent cleaning device along the side of the toilet bowl, and the bowl is automatically cleaned with every flush. Sounds great, right? Unfortunately, this product falls under the "too good to be true" category. The chemicals in these products can sometimes cause the toilet parts to wear out. We recommend avoiding them altogether.

Myth Seven: If Water Goes Down the Drain, Your Drain Is Clog-Free

We understand why people believe this one. Water goes down the drain, so the drain can't be clogged. It might sound right but it's not always true. Sometimes, water will make its way down the drain, but there is still a clog. Some additional clogged drain signs o watch out for are:

  • The drain is producing a bad odor
  • The bathtub or basement drains are backed up
  • The water is slow to drain

If you're experiencing any of these signs, you likely have a clogged drain. Call for a plumber right away to address the problem before it gets worse. The plumber will need to assess where the blockage is, if there are multiple clogs, and what caused them.

Myth Eight: Most Plumbing Repairs Can Be Done DIY

Thanks to countless YouTube videos, every person thinks they are a DIY plumber. Plumbing is an incredibly complicated and intricate process. Even professional plumbers that have gone through schooling are made to spend months shadowing an experienced professional to gain real-world experience. Don't assume you can DIY a plumbing repair. Calling a plumber for an assessment or a simple fix is actually quite inexpensive. The alternative is trying to fix a problem on your own, causing significant damage, and requiring much more expensive repairs at the end of the day.

bluefrog Plumbing + Drain of Northwest Houston

bluefrog is a national brand with a local franchise in Spring, TX. The Northwest Houston location has been serving its community for several years, offering exceptional plumbing services. bluefrog Plumbing + Drain always hires trusted, certified plumbers that always arrive on time and promise a 100% satisfaction guarantee. Whether you have a small or huge plumbing problem, we can handle it for you quickly, expertly, and at an affordable price. Call today to receive a quote or to book an appointment for your next plumbing repair.


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