Blog Post

The Cost-Saving Benefits of Installing a Tankless Water Heater

  • By Admin
  • 23 Jul, 2019
Enjoy monthly savings with a new tankless water heater in your Houston home - bluefrog Plumbing + Drain Cleaning of Northwest Houston
by Billion Photos at Shutterstock
A new water heater is sure to save you a bit of money if your old one is on its last legs. However, it all depends on the brand and style of water heater you choose. Sure, you could install the same conventional water heater – an upgraded version from the same manufacturer. Or, you could opt for something new and efficient. Today’s tankless water heaters are making waves. These systems are more efficient and cost-effective than conventional models, but have a hefty upfront price. That price is what turns off so many homeowners. It’s the long-term benefits that make a difference, though.

The Cost of Installation

It’s important that we discuss the total cost of tankless water heater installation before diving into the many benefits such a system offers. We would be remiss to ignore the initial investment. After all, as a homeowner, you probably have a firm budget in place for household renovations, new appliances, and repairs.

For a new tankless water heater, you’re looking at an upfront cost of around $1,500 to $2,000. Why such a high cost? Well, it’s because of the increased monthly savings and overall higher efficiency of the system. Month-to-month, you’ll save more money on your water bill. Before long, you’ll make back your investment in savings.

Cost-Saving Benefits of Going Tankless

According to the Chicago Tribune, the average annual savings of switching to a tankless water heater from a traditional storage tank system is around $116 per year. Now, that does not seem like much. However, look at your monthly water bill – chances are you’re not spending over $100 on water each month as it is. Even a little bit, just a few dollars per month, can make a huge difference in your budget.

Furthermore, when you switch to a tankless water heater, the government looks kindly upon your considerate approach to energy efficiency and the environment. Depending on your city, there are rebates and financing opportunities when selecting a high-efficiency water heater. So, not only will you save money on your monthly water bill, but you can even receive some money back and cut your costs during the process.

While most people focus on the dollar amounts of cost-savings, it’s important to also look at the lifespan of your system. Why? Because the longer a water heater lasts, the more savings you’ll enjoy overall and the less you’ll spend on costly repairs or replacements. On average, a tankless water heater is designed to last more than 20 years with the proper maintenance and care. Maintenance is easy when you’re protecting your investment.

Make the switch to a tankless water heater with bluefrog Plumbing + Drain of Northwest Houston. You can reach us at 246-222-5262!

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