Blog Post

Why Is My Water Heater Leaking?

  • By Admin
  • 28 Apr, 2019
Finding the source of the leak is the first step in recovering from water damage - bluefrog Plumbing + Drain of Northwest Houston
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You might not know what’s causing the leak, but as soon as you spot that excess water, you know something bad is happening. Even a small leak can quickly lead to serious mold problems and structural damage. Therefore, you must act as soon as you notice the problem.

The first thing to do is to locate the source of the leak. If the source isn’t readily apparent, here are some things that might be causing the damage.

Sediment Buildup at the Bottom of the Water Tank

When sediment builds up at the bottom of your tank over the years, eventually it can corrode the bottom of the tank and cause a leak. This is usually the case behind a bad water tank leak. If your hot water heater is several years old, start by examining the bottom of the tank for corrosion and holes. It may be time to replace the water tank completely.

The Drain Valve Isn’t Closed

If you call a plumber, this is one of the first places they’ll examine for leaks. A malfunctioning drain valve is a fairly standard issue to repair, but if it continues to leak after being tightened, you may need to replace the valve entirely.

The Hot and Cold Water Connections Are Loose

Fortunately, this is an easy problem to solve. The inlet and outlet pipe connections sometimes loosen, causing excess water to leak outside the tank. Simply tighten the connections with a wrench to see if that fixes the issue. If not, you may need to replace a faulty pipeline. Call your plumber to find out what they suggest doing.

Let bluefrog Plumbing + Drain of Northwest Houston Help With Your Leak Recovery

No matter what’s causing your leak, we’re happy to help address the issue. Our highly trained, certified plumbers know exactly how to handle plumbing leaks of all kinds. Learn more about our services or call for help any time (day or night) at 346-222-5262.
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